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How To Protect Dvd From Copying

카테고리 없음

by pamerahe1973 2020. 2. 22. 17:20


Backup copy protected dvd
  1. How To Copy Dvd To Computer

What you want is a way to make it harder for the average person to copy your disc.ok i've read threads where people have tried using different programs such dvdlab pro,ultraiso,xvi32,etc.to try to make some kinda of copy protection.only 1 problem tho.those programs were made to help get protection off and remake into a protection free copy not the opposite.however thru some experimenting i'm trying to come up with a way along with some 'help' to do that myself just to see if i can imitate ripguard,dvdafteredit,arccos,macrovision,etc. I have came up with a way to make dvd shrink and clonedvd not be able to open a disc i made once.

How to Protect My DVD From Being Copied. Download and install copy-protection software, such as Shareguard, Primera CrypKey or WebToolMaster. Launch the installed application on your computer. Place your blank DVD into the computer's CD/DVD optical drive. Prepare the DVD data 'pre-master' by creating and naming a new. If the user's can read the files, they can copy them. You will either have to disable usb storage, dvd writers and internet access completely, or prevent the users from accessing the files.

How To Copy Dvd To Computer

Have you ever seen a disc with copy protection? Right there are CDs that are copy protected that is from which we can’t copy any file. One of our readers also wanted to know how to copy protect data of a CD, well in case you also want to know how it is done, here is the info. There are many reasons why you would want your CD/DVDs to be copy protected like to protect from piracy or just prevent the data you don’t want to be shared with others. To be able to copy protect a CD, you need a third party tool. I came across his free tool called WTM CD Protect, that can do this for you.

What you need to do is just install this tool, and use it to give your CD extra protection that can protect it from copying. After you have given this protection to the CD, trying to read the CD will result in the CD master giving unreadable sector messages and the copying process will be stopped. Copy protection will not allow copying to a blank CD. The tool is even capable of copy protecting USB drive too. USB Flash Drive Copy Protection includes the ability to copy and crypt all types of data namely pdf, doc, xls, txt, pps, psd, xml, exe, scr and so on, thus giving enhanced and efficient digital rights management for users.

So try this tool whenever you wish to give your CD/DVD disc or USB drive copy protection.